Protect our right to protest!

Protest against the Bill that will mean we won’t be able to protest in future

The Government have tabled amendments after the Policing & Crime Bill has already been debated. These amendments have been called ‘the biggest truncations of our freedoms in living memory​​’ by George Monbiot – read his article here​. The Bill will have its third reading in the House of Lords this Wednesday, 8 December, in the late afternoon. ‘Kill the Bill’ protests are planned outside Westminster from 5-7pm, as well as in other places.

What you can do

You can help, whether you want to protest in person either in Oxford or London, or raise your voice online.

Oxford – Wednesday 8th December, 5-7PM

If you want to protest for our right to protest, come to Bonn Square in Oxford any time between 5 and 7pm, for a peaceful and socially distanced vigil. Bring a mask if possible; also a light and placard if you can. And perhaps a flask with a hot drink!

London – Wednesday 8th December, 5-7PM

House of Lords, Victoria Tower Gardens, Millbank, London SW1P 3JA (Nearest station: Westminster)

Join us for a mass celebration of protest and all it has given us. Bring candles, lights and torches for this celebration of all that protest has achieved. Expect music, dancing, lights and festive cheer! Bring placards and banners that share what protest has given you or what it means to you.

Join the Telegram broadcast for live updates.

Green & Black Cross will provide back office support: 07946541511

Digital Rebellion – Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th

We need to write, tweet and phone the Lords! We’re going to target a list of Lords who can be swayed. Our Digital Rebellion page will have everything you’ll need including email templates and telephone scripts. The page will go live on Monday the 6th, ready for mass calling starting on Tuesday. It’s not available till then but you will find it here.

Read the full briefing here.

Please sign the Greenpeace and Liberty petitions as well.

You know all those documentaries you’ve watched about a dictator’s path to power? You know there’s always the bit where you think: “Why didn’t people do something? They could have stopped him while there was still time”? That’s the bit we’re at.

George Monbiot

In love and rage,

The XR Oxford Crew